Hosting an Ethos Conversation at your church

28 Apr 2022

Ethos – Version 2 has been prepared by the Ethos team and is ready for engagement with your church community. 

The revisions to version 1 have incorporated feedback from Collective on the content of the statements, the simplicity and energy with which they are phrased and the addition of a preamble to give context to the work. 

The next stage of Ethos Engagement will continue the two themes that have defined this process – alignment and participation.  


The purpose of the Ethos work has been to articulate afresh who we are as a network of Churches. We want to hear if the work articulated as our Ethos resonates with your ethos as a local Church?  


An Ethos statement on a wall or website is of little value, until it is embodied and expressed. We want to hear how you can see this ethos shaping the people and practices of our network? 

Over the next four months we invite you to: 

1. Host an Ethos Conversation at your Church: 

Along with the Ethos statements, below are some tools to help you host a conversation with your ministry team and Elders. We recommend showing Ethos – the why to your group prior to engaging with the statements as a background and context to this work.

This engagement will prepare your leadership to join a regional Ethos conversation as well as provide further feedback to the Ethos team.  

Previous videos about the ethos journey, first shown at Collective last year, may also be helpful.

2. Join an Ethos Conversation in your region: 

Over the coming months, the Mission and Ministry team will visit with a number of regional groups of pastors, ministry leaders and elders. 

This time will include some facilitated engagement with Ethos. Some of these regional conversations have been organised. We will be in contact directly with churches about when the regional conversations are happening. 

3. Connect your church to their ‘family’ story: 

The interview with our ‘living legends’, Beth Robinson and Jean Flint at Collective 21 was such a highlight and raised the question – how can we help our churches connect to the historical spirit and charism of our network?

The communications team will be sharing restoration stories and resources for your use across our platforms under the theme of   ’Unity, Liberty, Charity’ through May and June. We invite you to consider how you might connect your church community to those who have contributed significantly to your story over the coming months.

You can rewatch the Living Legends interview HERE.

We look forward to meeting together at Collective 2022 (November 9-11) to affirm this Ethos work and how it will shape the future of our network.