Child safety is embedded in organisational leadership, governance, and culture.
a) The organisation makes a public commitment to child safety, and leaders champion a child safe culture, both inside and outside, the organisation.
b) Child safety is a shared responsibility at all levels of the organisation.
c) Risk management plans focus on identifying, preventing, and lowering risks to children.
d) Staff understand and comply with Codes of Conduct that set clear behavioural standards when interacting with children.
e) Staff understand their obligations in reporting, sharing information, and keeping records.
What this might look like
- Leaders inform themselves about child safety and wellbeing
- Staff and volunteers of the organisation are encouraged to value and ensure child safety and wellbeing
- Safe Church Procedures are integrated into church culture and everyday practices
- There are named people with whom to discuss practices and concerns
- Responsibilities of all staff and volunteers are reflected in position descriptions
- All staff take active steps to ensure child safe practices
The Royal Commission explains:
A child safe institution is committed to child safety. This commitment should be supported at all levels of the institution and be embedded in an institution’s leadership, governance and culture, and all aspects of the institution’s business and practice. Institutional culture consists of the collective values and practices that guide the attitudes and behaviour of staff and volunteers. It guides the way things are done and the way issues are managed, dealt with and responded to. A positive, child-focused culture could help to protect children from sexual abuse and facilitate the identification of and proper response to child sexual abuse.
(Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse Final Report, Volume 6 ‘Making Institutions Child Safe,’ Appendix A p413, available at
Included In This Package
A Model Safe Church Policy and model role description for the Safe Church Team is included in the Safe Church Package. If your church chooses to adopt the model Safe Church Policy, please ensure that your church name and/or logo is inserted where necessary and the date of adoption by the governance body is noted on the front of the document.
Form: Child Safe Standard 1
Please complete the below Child Safe Standard Form as part of your participation in this Safe Church Health Check.
Child Safe Standard 1
Child safety is embedded in organisational leadership, governance, and culture.