Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.


a) Children are able to express their views and are provided opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their lives.

b) The importance of friendships is recognised and support from peers in encouraged, helping children to feel safe and be less isolated.

c) Children can access abuse prevention programs and information.

d) Staff are attuned to signs of harm and facilitate child-friendly ways for children to communicate and raise their concerns.


What this might look like

  • Children and young people can recognise safe environments and know how to seek help or raise concerns if they feel unsafe
  • Staff and volunteers put children’s best interests first
  • Staff and volunteers take children seriously when they communicate about their feelings, needs, and concerns
  • Children and young people are supported and encouraged to take part in various ministry areas in the life of the church (as appropriate)
  • There are regular opportunities for children and young people to communicate their ideas and opinions, and to contribute to the plans and vision of the church


Additional Resources

The Institute of Child Protection Studies has produced a short (10 Minutes) video summarising their research in the Children’s Safety Study listening to children and young people.

(Available on the Australian Institute for Child Protection Studies’ YouTube channel ) 

The Office of the Children’s Guardian has produced an introductory video (4 mins) regarding Child Safe Standard 2.

(The video can be found on the Resources section of the OCG website) 

 The Office of the Children’s Guardian has produced a Guide to Empowerment and Participation, which is available on their website. 


Form: Child Safe Standard 2

Please complete the below Child Safe Standard Form as part of your participation in this Safe Church Health Check.

Child Safe Standard 2

Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.

(For example, by the inclusion of children and young people in church services, consideration of children’s and young people’s needs when planning programs, child-friendly facilities).
(For example, via suggestion box, feedback forms, informal discussions).
(For example, via suggestion box, feedback forms, informal discussions).
(For example, modelling communication strategies, displaying child safe hotline number, discussing friendship).