People working with children are suitable and supported.


a) Recruitment, including advertising and screening, emphasises child safety.

b) Relevant staff have probity checks.

c) All staff receive an appropriate induction and are aware of their child safety responsibilities, including reporting obligations.

d) Supervision and people management have a child safety focus.


What this might look like

  • Child safety and wellbeing is emphasised in advertising, referee checks, pre-employment screening, and supervision for staff and volunteers
  • Church leaders assess the values, motives, and attitudes of applicants to ensure a culture of child safety and wellbeing
  • The church delivers or provides access to regular training and/or information sessions regarding child safety
  • The church actively communicates internal and external supports that are available
  • Ministry leaders ensure everyone is informed about policies and procedures, and know how to enact them


More information about legal requirements for screening 

In NSW, a WWCC is required for Staff and volunteers who serve in child-related work, which for the purposes of churches of Christ churches includes: 

  • as a religious leader or spiritual officer (e.g. pastor, regular preacher, worship leader) 
  • anyone in a governance role (e.g. elder, board member, deacon, council member) 
  • anyone in a role that involves direct contact with children and young people (e.g. children’s ministry, creche, youth ministry)  
  • anyone leading a ministry with children or young people in that team (e.g. café, music team) 

In NSW, it is a legal requirement to both record and verify the WWCC number for anyone engaged in child-related work. For more information on the WWCC please go to 

In the ACT, current WWVP registration is required for staff and volunteers who serve: 

  • as a religious leader or spiritual officer (eg/ pastor, regular preacher, worship leader) 
  • in a governance role (e.g. elder, board member, deacon, council member) 
  • in child-related work (e.g. children’s ministry, creche, youth ministry)  
  • in ministry with vulnerable adults (e.g. seniors, persons with disabilities)  
  • as leader of a ministry with children or young people in that team (e.g. café, music team) 

For more information on the WWVP please go to  In addition to the WWCC/WWVP, civil liability issues require informal screening of all volunteers. 


Use of the title ‘Pastor’

The Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse concluded that the ‘lack of control over who is able to represent themselves as a pastor’ constitutes ‘a weakness in the necessary safety controls [churches] should have in place to protect children.’

(See page 88 of the Report on Case Study No. 18). Churches of Christ in NSW and ACT have recommended that the title ‘Pastor’ be restricted to people who have been, or are in the process of applying to be, Endorsed Ministers with churches of Christ in NSW & ACT.  


Included In This Package

Model documents (Procedure for Staff and Volunteers, Screening Questionnaires and Code of Conduct) are available as part of this package. If your church chooses to adopt these documents, please ensure that your church name is inserted where necessary and the date of adoption by the governance body is noted on the front of the document.

Form: Child Safe Standard 5

Please complete the below Child Safe Standard Form as part of your participation in this Safe Church Health Check.

Child Safe Standard 5

People working with children are suitable and supported.

1. Does your church have a Procedure for Staff and Volunteers?(Required)
3. Have all staff and volunteers completed the Screening Check Questionnaire?(Required)
4. Do you have a role description for all staff and volunteer roles?(Required)
5. Are all staff and volunteers aware of the role description for their role/s?(Required)
6. Do all staff and volunteers undergo a documented induction process?(Required)
7. Have all staff, volunteers and contractors agreed to the Code of Conduct?(Required)
8a. For NSW churches(Required)
Do all of the church’s staff and volunteers who are regularly engaged in Child-related Work have a valid and current WWCC AND Has your church verified the WWCC or application number online?
8b. For ACT churches(Required)
Do all of the church’s staff and volunteers (including young people) who engage in a Regulated Activity (which would include activities or services provided by religious organisations that are specifically for, or mainly used by children), have a valid and current WWVP clearance?
9. Do you have a copy of a National Police Criminal Record Check on file for each member of the Pastoral Staff?(Required)
10. Is your Safe Church Register complete and up to date?
As this is a crucial element of Safe Ministry, your Safe Church Register will be checked for completeness.
11. Does your church have a practice of ensuring that no one commences a volunteer role until after they have completed the screening questionnaire, signed the Code of Conduct, had their WWCC/WWVP verified (if applicable), completed Creating Safe Spaces (if applicable) and completed an induction?(Required)
12. Has your church governance body either (please indicate yes or no and, if yes, tick box as appropriate).(Required)
Drop files here or
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    1. The Screening Questionnaire/s used by your church (a blank copy) ; 2. Staff and Volunteer Code of Conduct; 3. Procedure for Staff and Volunteers; 4. Your church’s Safe Church Register (dates of birth and WWCC/WWVP numbers may be redacted); 5. If you ticked 12(b), minutes of the governance body’s decision not to follow the recommendation regarding use of the title “Pastor.”