Processes to respond to complaints of child sexual abuse (or other concerns) are child focused.


a) The organisation has a child-focused complaint handling system that is understood by children, staff, volunteers, and families.

b) The organisation has an effective complaint handling policy that clearly outlines roles and responsibilities, approaches to dealing with different types of complaints, and obligations to act and report.

c) Complaints are taken seriously and responded to promptly and thoroughly.

d) The organisation meets reporting, privacy, and employment obligations.


What this might look like

  • The process for raising complaints and concerns about child safety is clear, accessible, and prioritises the safety and wellbeing of children and young people
  • Staff and volunteers know when and how to report to relevant authorities
  • Information about raising and responding to concerns and complaints is available in various accessible formats including child-friendly formats
  • There is a clearly defined record-keeping system for concerns and complaints


The Royal Commission explains:

A child-focused complaints process is an important strategy for helping children and others in institutions to make complaints. Child safe institutions respond to complaints by immediately protecting children at risk and addressing complaints promptly, thoroughly and fairly. 

A child-safe institution has clear and detailed policies and procedures about how to respond to complaints. Staff and volunteers understand their responsibility for making a complaint promptly if they become aware of concerning behaviours, as well as their reporting obligations to external authorities.

Complaint processes specify steps that need to be taken to comply with requirements of procedural fairness for affected parties, have review mechanisms, and ensure any disciplinary action that is taken withstands external scrutiny in accordance with relevant employment law and other employer responsibilities.

(Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse Final Report, Volume 6 ‘Making Institutions Child Safe’ Appendix A, p426, available at 


Included In This Package

Model Procedures are provided as part of the Safe Church Package. If your church chooses to adopt these model Procedures, please ensure that your church name is inserted where necessary and the date of adoption by the governance body is noted on the front of the document. If you make changes to any of the Procedures, please attach an explanation regarding why you have made such changes. 


Form: Child Safe Standard 6

Please complete the below Child Safe Standard Form as part of your participation in this Safe Church Health Check.

Child Safe Standard 6

Processes to respond to complaints of child sexual abuse (or other concerned) are child focused.

1a. Are all staff and volunteers aware of the Procedure for Conflict Resolution, Procedure for Responding to Child Protection Concerns and Procedure for Handling Complaints against Staff and Volunteers?(Required)
(For example, through induction process and training, keeping copies of the Procedures in prominent place in church office).
2a. Are families aware of the Procedure for Handling Complaints against Staff and Volunteers and the roles and responsibilities of all relevant parties?(Required)
(For example, through information on your webpage or church noticeboard).
3a. Do you have a means of identifying whether children, young people and families would be comfortable making a complaint or raising a concern?(Required)
(For example, through informal conversations etc).
4a. Does your church have a child-focused approach to the management of complaints and concerns including communicating to children and young people about who to approach if they feel unsafe?(Required)
(For example, posters on display, discussion about child safety in ministry program).
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    1. Procedure for Conflict Resolution; 2. Procedure for Responding to Child Protection Concerns; 3. Procedure for Handling Complaints against Staff and Volunteers