Daz Farrell has been recommended as Fresh Hope’s new Executive Ministry Director.
Dear ministry partners,
As you are aware, for the last six months Conference Executive have been engaged in the process of recruiting a new Executive Ministry Director (EMD), since Andrew Ball’s decision to not take up another contract.
We have very much appreciated the prayer support and affirmations we have received from many of you throughout this search process. Last week we came to a decision on who we believe will be the most suitable candidate to spiritually lead Fresh Hope and Churches of Christ in New South Wales and the ACT into the future.
After numerous interviews, skills and attributes work with a number of high- quality candidates, as well as prayerful deliberation as a Board, we are delighted to inform you that Conference Executive have recommended the appointment of Daz Farrell as Fresh Hope’s new EMD.
Daz Farrell is a much-loved member of the Mission and Ministry Team. He is a spirit-led leader with strong spiritual discernment.
Daz values the individual and collective stories within our movement and has shown the desire to bring together our many churches, so that we might work together, not in isolation, but in partnership.
We believe Daz is gifted to help our churches identify their individual vision and see the role that they play within our movement. He is trustworthy and considerate and offers a new perspective to the challenges facing our diverse churches, communities and society.
These qualities will swiftly become an asset that will serve our churches, through meaningful connection, to be all that God has uniquely designed them to be, which is why Conference Executive recommend Daz as our preferred candidate for the role of Executive Ministry Director (EMD), Fresh Hope and Churches of Christ NSW & ACT.
On Saturday 14th November 2020, as per the Constitution of the Conference of Churches of Christ in New South Wales, we will present Daz Farrell as our preferred candidate to our members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). At the meeting, voting delegates will have the opportunity to vote on this recommendation.
The formal appointment of our new EMD would occur by way of majority support (by tally of votes) for the recommendation. Conference Executive’s role has been to endeavour to discern God’s will and represent Conference’s interests to the best of our abilities in arriving at this recommendation. It is fair and appropriate that the appointment decision, ultimately, rests with our member Churches.
At Collective and the AGM, we will also take time to thank Andrew Ball for his leadership of Fresh Hope and Churches of Christ NSW and the ACT and honour his continuing legacy.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, once again, for your prayers and encouragement during this intensive process. We are grateful for the way God has led us through the process of recruitment and we look forward to the good things He has ahead for us in this new season.
Raewyn Williams
Chair, Conference Executive and President, Churches of Christ NSW and the ACT