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Drought Appeal Update
Thank you for your donations. $18,000 has been received up to the 31st August in donations for the drought appeal.
Fresh Hope Engage has already distributed $10,000 to Dubbo Church of Christ who have been actively involved in providing support to families in need. Pastor Allan Vincent recently wrote,
“There have been two families that we have been able to help recently. One family desperately needed to have a vet visit and look at their animals but did not have the cash. They lost some of their stock due to this. We were able to bless them with some funds to help them in this situation. Another family had run out of domestic water (single mum with six kids). We were able to cover the cost of water transport so they had drinking water etc.”
Plans are currently underway to distribute funds to Armidale, Inverell and other regional churches who are assisting families in need. Keep an eye out for updates in next month’s Enews.
Donations still needed
Thank you for your donations to date. Please keep donating. The impacts of natural disasters are long-term and farmers and regional communities will require ongoing support for months/years to come.
How else can I help?
One of the major problems caused be natural disasters is a lack of cashflow for farmers and business in regional towns. One of the best things you can do is plan a weekend getaway to a regional town to inject some cashflow into their economy. Get a haircut, buy a coffee, book your car in for a service. You could even arrange to camp on a farmer’s property (for a fee) providing the farmer with much needed cash and providing you and your family an educational experience.
Richard Reeve
Fresh Hope Engage