Drastic, the annual churches of Christ state youth camp, is a week-long camping experience aimed at bringing together high school aged students from across our network to be inspired in their faith, worship together, and make some amazing memories!
Registrations are now open! Let’s get our young people to this amazing week that could be a line in the sand in their walk with Jesus.
Come along to Drastic Camp, to spend a week with your peers and get to know more about Jesus and how much he loves you!
Spend time together as we explore; Sermons, Workshops, Tribal games, Tops Experiences and Adventures, Small groups, Worship, eat loads of food and so much more!
WHEN: Monday 7th – Friday 11th October 2024
WHERE: The Tops Conference Centre – Stanwell Tops
WHO: Year 7-12 students (study camp option available)
COST: Earlybird $360.00 ( Until midnight 11th August)
Standard $410.00 ( until full)
REGISTER HERE: https://book.venue.life/tops/register/drastic-camp-24
Promo resources to share with your community and friends:
Camp Directors’ Letter To Parents