As a church leader, perhaps you find yourself confronted with many options, choices and pressures to make decisions in a world that seems very different during 2020. This year we have chosen FULCRUM for our Collective 2020 theme. Here’s why.
Fulcrum encompasses the idea that we must leverage the church for a future space. The unfolding global events of 2020 are akin to the tectonic plates shifting beneath the earth’s surface. I cannot overstate how much things are and continue to change within culture and society.
While it’s important to state or quantify our reality; what’s even more necessary is to acquire the wisdom to know how to respond. There are many options. Like levers, and it’s important to discern which one you pull for your particular context.
A lever when used as a fulcrum creates a purchase or pivot that produces more force and more impact. Without it you cannot move the object of focus. In our case the church is our object.
The good news is that the church will always prevail. Jesus himself declares that it is He who will build the church (Matthew 16:18). What’s different is that the form(s) and methods of being church need to change and there are many options. Sometimes when confronted with choices it becomes far easier to maintain the status quo than risk changing.
It takes both courage and permission to pull a new lever. Here’s some ideas for church leaders.
Schedule some time in early 2020 for an overnight strategic retreat for your team. Focus the agenda totally on your future (not the past or present). Ask the important questions who are you becoming and what needs to change?
Mobilise half a dozen courageous extroverts into your immediate neighbourhood. Survey (gently) those not in Christian community. Ask them how they see the Christian church in Australia? Take notes and gather insights.
Choose to examine the many form(s) of church that can be operationalised into 2021. For example: organic church, house church, simple church, large church, multi-campus church, missional church, social enterprise church etc. Do an analysis on how these might apply to your context.
At your next oversight meeting, place an agenda item ‘change management’. Pray and share together how you deal with change in your church community.
Share important resources/books/training materials that might help you develop capability to move into different frontiers. If you are stuck, think through who you might engage with as a facilitator to help you.
Ask each of your staff to prepare a 10 minute presentation on the changes they see happening in culture and society.
Schedule a regular prayer focus. The future church.
Road trip. If you have thoughts about the future form of your church, who could you visit who is already living this style of church?
As we stand on the tipping point, our courage to pull certain levers is directly correlated to our convictions, will, teamwork and spiritual passion.
These days, while they seem somewhat terrifying, are indeed strategic opportunities for kingdom advancement.
Let’s go on mission together.
Dr. Andrew Ball
Executive Ministry Director
Churches of Christ in NSW & the ACT.
© Fresh Hope Resources 2020.
Level 1 No 3 Rider Boulevard Rhodes NSW 2138