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What if? These two words carry such possibility and potential.
Over 150 people gathered a few weekends ago in an industrial art gallery space in the middle of Sydney to wrestle with just that – what if? What if the Kingdom of Heaven was here and now and not a far off destination? How would that change your perception of life and all that God has breathed into His glorious dust – you?
What if you were meant for more?
We started our day on free coffee and worship which drew us from our busy weeks into a space where Christ was present. As our caffeine fix kicked in we were challenged about what it means to live a Kingdom purposed life here on earth. Being reminded that the Kingdom of Heaven is here and now, Steve Hodgson unpacked the tension between living a Kingdom led life in a world that is constantly pulling us away.
In amongst the awesome giveaways from the great businesses who sponsored the event, we were blessed to hear from three salt-of-the-earth people talking real issues like real people. Daz Farrell, Lizzy Milani and Suzie Plush all unpacked the issues of disillusionment in church and the pursuit of the true person and nature of God, our inability to stick it out when life gets tough and how we combat that and the true calling of us all which is to love God and love people.
We spent the day surrounded by the creation of artwork, incredible worship and the expression of glorious dust through dance. No issue was kept at bay as we tackled the 3 big topics – Sex, Consumerism and Politics in our break-out sessions. The options were so good it was hard to choose just one.
After an afternoon of free time we met once more to hear from the great Mike Hardie who has an amazing ability to bring the word of God in a very real and challenging way that will have you laughing and crying all within a 30min time slot. He was calling us to stand up and stand out if we believed God was drawing us to pursue something bigger than ourselves. Mike led us in a time of prayer for each other and encouraged us to pursue the greatest goal, Jesus.
We ended the day, not because we felt it was time to leave but more for fear of getting locked in by security. As the free ice tea sugar rush wore off, we left feeling challenged, full and changed, pondering the question if we are in fact God’s glorious dust, then what life or dream or purpose has He breathed into us so that for His glory we can put things right where we are?
It was a rich experience to have young adults from Churches all over NSW gathered for this event, and we know many went away profoundly impacted and challenged.
Neridah Morris – Young Adults Coordinator at Northside Community Church
Keep your eye out for more Fresh Hope Young Adult initiatives in 2017 and get connected through the Fresh Hope Young Adults Facebook page.