A gathering of former community members of Marrickville Church of Christ, along with local leaders and friends has given thanks to God for its work and witness in the community over more than 110 years.
Held last month, the thanksgiving gathering, hosted by the Mission & Ministry team, drew together around 40 people, to bear witness to its history and to celebrate with former community members memories of its more recent history.
“It was a tremendous occasion and of great benefit to the heart and soul reflecting on the goodness of God and on the many outreach activities implemented to bear witness and the people who God had called to faithfully serve at Marrickville, having called, by His spirit, provided for all needs in such abundance,” reflected former Marrickville member and elder Andrew Billing.
Andrew opened the time of thanksgiving with Psalm 24, which was followed by a short history of Marrickville.
Former pastor Peter Dixon, now serving with his wife Karen in the Northern Territory, sent through recollections of his time serving from 1990 to 2015.
Peter and Karen’s children, Jonathan, Elizabeth and Ben all attended the event, and were part of the vibrant time of story-telling, honouring a community that was passionate about inclusiveness and everyday faithfulness. Former Conference Executive chair John Morris, and former property trust member David Bentley, also shared their memories.
Mission & Ministry Director John Crowther, Executive Ministry Director Daz Farrell, members of the Mission and Ministry Team also attended.
Those gathered also spent time in prayer together that the works of faithfulness would continue to bear fruit and to commit the future of God’s work in Marrickville to his care.
A shared lunch of locally-made pork rolls were enjoyed by all who attended.
Marrickville Church of Christ was established by members from the Enmore Church of Christ in 1893. Read more about its history HERE.