Photo: embody’s new Network Developer Emily Wood takes part in the One Bucket Challenge.
By Emily Wood
At embody, we know from years of supporting COCOA safe water projects in Zimbabwe and Vanuatu, the positive flow on effects for communities when they have access to safe water.That’s where I come in.
I’m Emily–the newest member of the embody team. Back in March, I took on a challenge for World Water Day (March 22) – to live on one bucket of water for 24 hours (#OneBucketChallenge). This meant I only had 7.5 litres of water to drink, shower, clean, wash clothes, and cook with. Over the course of the day, I documented my progress with videos on Instagram (@embodyau).
The most challenging part of the entire experience was the way I had to constantly bethinking about how much water I was using to ensure I rationed it appropriately. Waking up with the rain pouring for third or fourth day in a row, knowing I had to hand wash some clothes, was not an enjoyable thought because I knew they would drip EVERYWHERE and certainly would not dry. Having a cold bucket shower at the end of the day was another experience I did not look forward to.
Aspects of the One Bucket Challenge were not comfortable, but nor was it meant to be! The challenge simultaneously highlighted both how I am grateful for, and take for granted, my access to safe water.
If you’d like to see the result of the day, check out our Instagram @embodyau post HERE and start to think how you can get involved with safe water initiatives in the future (Safe Water September perhaps?)
Emily Wood is Embody’s Network Developer
Embody is a movement of young people passionate about global mission, social justice and God’s Kingdom.