Join us at The Tops Conference Centre for our two-day, one-night retreat for new pastors, ministers and chaplains, churches seeking affiliation, and anyone wanting to learn more about the foundations of our network.

At this gathering you’ll have the chance to meet the Network Resource Team and form connections with others exploring churches of Christ. You’ll hear from our Executive Ministry Director, Daz Farrell, about the big picture of who we are, how we function, and what makes us unique. You will meet the leaders of our entities (ACOM, Fresh Hope Communities, and GMP) and hear about their purpose and vision. You will also learn about our history and how our Network Resource Team can provide essential support to your church.

Packed with informative sessions, small group facilitations, and chances to relax in a stunning natural location and connect over great meals, Pilgrimage is an event you should attend at least once!

3 OPD points are available if attending both days.