Pioneers Embark on “Frontier” Journey

04 Mar 2020

‘Fresh Hope Pioneering’ exists to champion new, adventurous and transformative expressions of Gospel communities, with the vision of growing and reproducing Christ loving communities marked by joy!

With this is mind, we have embarked on a spiritual leadership journey called ‘Frontier’. Aware that a leadership pipeline is crucial within any movement dynamics, ‘Frontier’ purposes itself as an incubator for those who heed the call to ‘Go Pioneer’!

It is in this spirit that we hosted our first weekend in early February, initiating our journey through teaching, stories, solitude and communal rhythms.

As the rain descended with phenomenal intensity that weekend, we entered through the path of ‘descent’ together. We asked God, ‘what are you fermenting in us?’ as we explored the imitation and call to Christlikeness as we go.

Peter Scazzero reminds us that Christlikeness takes “… work, energy, inconvenience, time, courage, solitude and a solid understanding of the grace of God in the Gospel.” This is no small work!

We ‘reframed’ our sense of call from ‘what do I need to do for God’, to the beautiful invitation of Jesus, who says, “… everything I have is a gift from God!” (Jn 17:7) Is this not a reminder for us all?

Therefore, ‘as we go’, sent from the Father, yolk-ed with the Son, and breathed upon by the Spirit, we are sent ones, not to be consumed by the world, but filled with “… righteousness, peace and joy” as we contend for Christ’s Kingdom to reign in it!

This is our posture and our way; we go in the Way of Christ. If we don’t pioneer with this mandate, we build on sand. ‘Frontier’ is the gift of companioning and championing spiritual leaders to this end. We look forward to what Jesus has in store for us in this pilot year!

Frontier Participant Peter Dalbrun, ministry leader at Katoomba Lighthouse Church says the weekend encouraged him to recognise that, “striving for some big unachievable goal is not what God considers pioneering.”

“This is a journey of humility, allowing the expectations of success to be formed by redefining the words we use around goals and the mission of the church.”


More about Frontier

‘Frontier’ seeks to equip and empower spiritual leaders through the lens of spiritual formation; engaging with incarnational mission, discipleship and emotional health. With biblical orientation, we have created a training framework that integrates content delivery from field-specialists, co-lab learning and course readings.

‘Frontier’ will also incorporate a missional experience, exposing leaders to pioneering in a very different context and culture. ‘Frontier’ is designed for people who are wrestling with their vision, vocation and venture, creating focus and direction for the innovation and implementation of their call.

‘Frontier’ is one of our strategic endeavours in supporting and catalysing pioneering in our movement, and we look forward to the fruit of this emerging pathway for mission.

Find more stories of Fresh Hope here.