Staff Snapshot: Meet Ross Stewart

13 Mar 2018

Please help us welcome Ross Stewart to the Fresh Hope Mission & Ministry team. Ross began working with us just over two months ago. Here’s some insight into his world and what his role means to the wider Fresh Hope community.

What is your role at Fresh Hope?
I’m the Safe Ministry Practices Leader.

What were you doing previously?
I have been in full-time church ministry for the last 11 years. Before that, I was an engineer in the Steelworks in Wollongong for over 11 years.

What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend?
Spending time with my wife and 20-month old daughter – both have a great zest for life and are the two most fun people on the planet! Aside from that, I enjoy running and cooking.

What book are you currently reading? (or recently finished)
I’m currently reading Dennis Nutt’s book about ACOM (A Crucible of Faith and Learning) and learning lots about the history our college.

Coffee or Tea? Why?
Coffee – it keeps my eyeballs open for longer.

Sweet or savoury? Why?
Definitely sweets – the desire is strong in my family, to the point that it might be a little offensive if you don’t try to get a second serving of desserts!

What would people in our movement connect with you about?
Issues relating to child protection, SRE, endorsement and professional standards issues.

Why are you doing this role?
I love God’s Church. It is important to me that the Church has a good reputation in the community, and I want to help ensure that Fresh Hope has a reputation for being safe for all people.

How do they contact you?
An email is often best: or otherwise phone: (02) 8719 2679.