SYNC Camp is set for an exciting new season of leadership with Avril Mundy, Generations Pastor at Kingsway Church, taking up the reins as the camp’s sole director.
Avril has shared the responsibility of directing with Tammy Tolman for the previous two years and feels a sense of privilege taking on the role by herself.
“Without the incredible work of Tammy, particularly over the last 20 years, it wouldn’t be in the place it is now, and I wouldn’t be the leader I am now. She’s an incredible woman, and it’s such a privilege that I get be carrying the legacy on forward.”
SYNC is a well-loved program, with hundreds of primary-aged students set to attend The Tops Conference Centre from September 19-24 this year for a week of discipleship, community, activities and fellowship.
Avril, a primary school educator, has a deeply personal connection to SYNC, having experienced first-hand the benefits of youth and children’s ministry as a former attendee of the camp.
“I was a ‘mini’ myself back in the day before it transitioned into ‘SYNC’. So, this is something I’ve been a part of since about nine years old myself. The legacy and the strength and importance of this ministry in my own personal life is quite significant.”
For Avril, her own experience of this ministry has been profound in her journey and informs the direction the camp will take into the future. As a safe space for her to find the love of Christ, it’s been encouraging for her to hear the same feedback from students who are attending this program today.
Another gift SYNC gives students is an experience of the body of Christ many young people don’t realise exists. For many students, the local church is the only expression of a faith community they have experienced. Avril is excited at the prospect of students experiencing another expression of the body of Christ.
“Our movement is made up of churches of all sizes, and for children to come together and actually see that the church of God is far bigger than their church life has shown them before is really encouraging,” she said.
“It provides a space for leaders and kids to have their eyes opened to the incredible things that God is doing, and when we all come together in unity, the encouragement that comes from that is fantastic. It’s a fantastic community in that respect.”
As camp coordinators continue to battle the unknowns of what COVID restrictions will be in place, Avril and her team are looking for prayer for all aspects of the upcoming camp – practical and spiritual.
Avril said: “Pray for the hearts of our kids – pray that God would position them well and that God would put them around safe people who would bring sound advice and lead them toward Him. That they would be able to stand up in a way that shows love to their friends but also honours God.”
For more information about SYNC, or to register a student, please head to