Every family has its own unique stories: of happiness and pain, hardship and growth. Our stories are formative, reflecting who we are and what we value. The churches of Christ story goes back centuries, developing organically as God led our growth. Today we are a tribe united by shared values but not necessarily uniform practices.

Churches of Christ in Australia are unique. Each generation strives to continuously be transformed into God’s image, exploring for themselves who God wants them to be as an expression of freedom and simplicity.

Within the movement, each community of believers has the freedom to start with a ‘blank piece of paper’ – returning to the Word and Spirit and rediscovering simple Christianity in their context, proclaiming: “We just want to follow the Bible –and not be afraid of where God leads us!”

Our culture comprises British and American, European and Aboriginal, Middle Eastern and Asian cultural communities, to name a few. However, it was the Scottish settlers arriving in Adelaide in the 1830’s who planted the seeds of the Churches of Christ movement on the Australian frontier by proclaiming “We just want to be simply Christians!”

Shaped on our own frontiers, the richness of our religious heritage is that we believe at our core that every Australian can open the Bible and not be afraid of where God leads them to go. With a freedom found only in Jesus, we are free to return to simple Christianity.