The Australian Christian – 1930s

19 Jul 2023

The Australian Christian Digital Archive

Decade: 1930s

Issues: 1930 to 1939

Volumes: XXXIII to XLII


1939 (Vol. XLII)

#50-51 to come.

#49 (6 December) – The Person and the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ

#48 to come.

#47 (22 November) – Speaking Truth in Love

#46 (15 November) – Evangelism and the Days of Christ

#45 (8 November) – Difficulties and Perennial Problems

#44 (1 November) – Overseas Religious Press on the War

#43 to come.

#42 (18 October) – Conversions, Reconversions and Reconsecrations

#41 to come.

#40 (4 October) – Keeping the Major Task in Mind

#39 (27 September) – Christ Loved the Church

#35-38 to come.

#34 (23 August) – A Great Day of Gentiles

#33 (16 August) – The Greatest of the Apostles

#32 to come.

#31 (2 August) – Catholic and Protestant

#30 (26 July) – The Kind of Men Christ Used

#29 (19 July) – Rising Above Secondary Irrelevances

#28 to come.

#27 (5 July) – Safeguard the Church of the Future

#26 to come.

#25 (21 June) – The Christless Millions March 

#23-24 to come.

#22 (31 May) – The Misinterpreter

#21 (24 May) – Asking for Something

#20 (17 May) – Losing the Migratory Member

#19 (10 May) – Pentecost and Christian Unity

#18 (3 May) – Religion’s Expression – “Done” or “Do”

#13-17 to come.

#XX (26 April) – The NSW Conference (single page only)

#12 (22 March) – All Is Not Well

#11 to come.

#10 (8 March) – Moral, Spiritual and Christian Rearmament

#9 to come.

#8 (22 February) – American Churches Report Advance

#7 (15 February) – Faith’s Motive Power for Action

#6 (8 February) – Sins Against the Holy Spirit

#2-5 to come.

#1 (4 January) – God’s Challenging Grace


1938 (Vol. XLI)

#51 (22 December) – Bethlehem House of Bread

#50 (15 December) – Can We Still Promise Peace?

#48-49 to come.

#47 (24 November) – Rekindling Smouldering Fires

#42-46 to come.

#41 (13 October) – Brethren of the Dispersion

#33-40 to come.

#32 (11 August) – What the Great Convention Will Do

#31 to come.

#30 (28 July) – “Sound” but not “Stodgy”

#29 (21 July) – Prescription for a Case of Doubt

#28 (14 July) – A Methodist Call to Revival

#25-27 to come.

#24 (16 June) – Foreign Mission Number

#20-23 to come.

#19 (12 May) – Methodism’s Great Day

#18 to come.

#17 (28 April) – Portals of Opportunity

#15-16 to come.

#14 (7 April) – The Warning Note in Preaching

#13 (24 March) – Capturing the Spirit of Primitive Christianity

#7-12 to come.

#6 (10 February) – The Broad Phylactery

#2-5 to come.

#1 (6 January) – A Passion for Christ


1937 (Vol. XL)

#51 (23 December) – A Happy New Year

#47-50 to come.

#46 (18 November) – Home Mission Number: Looking Backwards and Forwards

#44 (4 November) – The Centrality of Jesus and Unity of Christians

#41 (14 October) – War Affects Our Chinese Work

#28-40 to come.

#27 (8 July) – By Faith Ye Stand

#26 to come.

#25 (24 June) – Making Our Sermons Our Own

#24 to come.

#23 (10 June) – Not by Works Done in Righteousness

#19-22 to come.

#18 (6 May) – The Coronation of the King and Queen

#14-17 to come.

#13 (1 April) – The Ambassador

#10-12 to come.

#9 (4 March) – What Christ Expects of His church

#7-8 to come.

#6 (11 February) – The Worst Kind of Divorce

#1-5 to come.


1936 (Vol. XXXIX)

#45-51 to come.

#44 (5 November) – The Note of Urgency in the Christian Gospel

#35-43 to come.

#34 (27 August) – In the Papers

#13-33 to come.

#12 (26 March) – What ‘Deciding for Christ’ means

#11 (19 March) – Easter – Holiday or Conference?

#8-10 to come.

#7 (20 February) – Sermon on the Mount and Divorce

#6 to come.

#5 (6 February) – Churches and Church Vestries

#1-4 to come.


1935 (Vol. XXXVIII)

#44-51 to come.

#43 (10 October) – The Christian Attitude to War

#15-42 to come.

#14 (4 April) – The Word of Intercession

#13-15 to come.

#11 (14 March) – The Stewardship of Money

#7 (14 February) – The Preacher

#1-6 to come.


1934 (Vol. XXXVII)

#51 to come.

#50 (13 December) – Faith Without Witness is Dead

#49 (6 December) – The Church Jesus Desires

#48 to come.

#47 (22 November) – Seeking Christian Solutions for World Problems

#46 to come.

#45 (8 November) – On the Abuse of Labels and Epithets

#42-44 to come.

#41 (11 October) – Modern Science and Religious Belief

#40 (4 October) – The Centenary, Liquor, and Brighter Sundays

#39 (27 September) – (Cover page missing)

#38 (20 September) – Looking Toward October 7th

#37 (13 September) – Next Steps for New Converts

#36 (6 September) – Anglicans Discuss Money-Raising Methods

#35 (30 August) – A Novelist Caricatures Christian Missions

#34 (23 August) – Obedience, the Organ of Spiritual Knowledge

#33 (16 August) – Anglican Manifesto on Church Unity

#32 (9 August) – Eucharistic Procession and Roman Catholic Propaganda

#31 (2 August) Glorify God in Your Body

#30 (26 July) – Christian Co-operation and Union

#29 (19 July) – The Mutual Praise Society

#28 (12 July) – To the Churches: A Plea for Our Preachers

#27 to come.

#26 (28 June) – God and the Individual

#25 (21 June) – Charles Haddon Spurgeon Centenary

#23 (7 June) – Dr Angus on “Truth”

#22 to come.

#21 (24 May) – The Spirit and the Pentecost

#20 (17 May) – Presbyterians and Congregationalists Discuss Problems

#19 (10 May) – The Strange Persistence of Superstition

#18 (3 May) – A Very Happy Day

#17 (26 April) – The Call to Strength

#16 (19 April) – Victoria Plans Forward Move

#15 (12 April) – How To Win Men

#14 (5 April) – Prisoners of Hope

#13 (29 March) – Many Infallible Proofs

#12 (22 March) – Cover page missing

#10 (8 March) – Never Let Your Zeal Flag

#9 (1 March) – In Christ There is No East or West

#8 (22 February) – On Working Your Plan

#7 (15 February) – Cover page missing

#6 (8 February) – Cover page missing

#5 (1 February) – The Religious Situation in Germany

#4 (25 January) – Unbelief in the Pulpit (pages missing)

#3 (18 January) – Diotrephes

#2 (11 January) – The Church Aspidistra

#1 (4 January) – As We Also Have Forgiven


1933 (Vol. XXXVI)

#51 (21 December) – The Prophet of Christmas

#50 (14 December) – The Advents of our Lord Jesus Christ

#49 (7 December) – A Christian Social Order

#48 (30 November) – Our Young People

#47 to come.

#46 (16 November) – The World Situation

#45 (9 November) – The Vision Splendid

#44 (2 November)

#43 (26 October) – Federal Conference in Launceston (TAS)

#42 (19 October) – The Return of Our Lord

#41 to come.

#40 (5 October) – Sidelights on our British Conference

#39 (28 September) – Presbyterians Interest Australia

#38 (21 September) – Things Which My Soul Hateth

#37 to come.

#36 (7 September) – Other Appeals to Cupidity

#35 (31 August) – The Christian’s Vast Inheritance

#34 (24 August) – William Wilberforce and the Abolition of Slavery

#33 to come.

#32 (10 August) – Light from the Word

#31 to come.

#30 (27 July) – Marring the Temple of God

#29 (20 July) – Gambling and Drinking

#28 (13 July) – Centenary of the Oxford Movement

#27 to come.

#26 (29 June) – Pastors and Preachers on Faith

#25 (22 June) – Would you call them weeds?

#24 to come.

#23 (8 June) – The Restoration Plea

#22 (1 June) – The Reformation and Its Heroes

#21 (26 May) – Departures from the Ideal

#20 (18 May) – Members of the church that Jesus built

#19 (11 May) – The Power and the Message

#18 to come.

#17 (27 April) – The Churches’ Divinely Appointed Task

#16 (20 April) – The Disguises of Christ

#15 (13 April) – Why the Cross?

#14 (6 April) – Our (?) Christ

#13 (30 March) – The Wonderful Book

#12 (23 March) – The New Testament Idea of God

#11 (16 March) – Concerted Preaching of Fundamental Truths

#10 (9 March) – Thoughts on Divine Guidance

#9 (2 March) – For Sinners Only

#1-8 to come.


1932 (Vol. XXXV)

#1-51 to come.


1931 (Vol. XXXIV)

#38-51 to come.

#37 (17 September) – College of the Bible Number

#15-36 to come.

#14 (9 April) – Churches of Christ’s Doctrinal Position

#11-13 to come.

#10 (12 March) – Anglican Claims and Church Union

#1-9 to come.


1930 (Vol. XXXIII)

#41-51 to come.

#40 (9 October) – Sunday Schools’ 3rd Jubilee

#39 (2 October) – Danger of Mechanical Salvation

#37 (18 September) – Annual Offering for College Support

#30-36 to come.

#29 (24 July) – Another of our Great Losses

#28 (17 July) – Parliamentary Attempts to Make Gambling Legal

#27 (10 July) – In Every Way Christ is Preached

#26 (3 July) – The Bible in School, Pulpit and Life

#25 (26 June) – Pentecost and Foreign Missions

#23-24 to come.

#22 (5 June) – Girdling the Globe

#20-21 to come.

#19 (15 May) – Pentecost and the Lord’s Supper

#18 (8 May) – The Church and Public Affairs

#17 (1 May) – Preparing for Pentecost

#1-16 to come.

Have an Issue? If you have any copies of The Australian Christian, please contact us at Our aim is to have all issues digitally available to readers, researchers, students and people interested in the history of the churches of Christ in NSW.